Hello, Ihola, Salve, Hallo and Bello! This is my first (of many, I hope) blog posts. Firstly you should know I’m very new to this and feel very much like a beauty obsessed Bambi on glittery lip gloss covered ice, so please be gentle with me. Secondly I’m student - or in Latin, skint! - So almost every product will be bargain hunted, tried and tested to try to help you save money. And finally, I have a completely irrational obsession with makeup. If I’m honest it’s probably getting out of hand, but hey EVERYONE needs a hobby. True to my obsession I’ll be doing my best to showcase my bargain make up finds, my little tips and maybe even a little tutorial or two!! I’ll throw in some beauty products for good measure too! If this sounds like it’ll float ya’ boat I’ll be here Thursday evening, throwing my beauty based rambles at you
See you soon
Lynds xx