Friday, 6 June 2014

Toon Tutorial - Cartoon Lips!

Hello Beauties!!!

I’ve been a very bad girl and not blogged for two weeks due to exams, finishing uni and moving out everything has been very hectic and up in the air! However my make up has survived the journey and my obsession is as strong as ever so I am BACK!

This weeks blog isn’t all that long - not the best way to make up for disappearing for a while,

but y’know - however it is a very fun, quick tutorial on...cartoon lips! I’d seen a few pro’s do the cartoon lip, which literally does what it says on the tin - you lips look all cartoon-ey and funky - and I thought lets give this a go! It’s a really cool idea for fancy dress and is super fun!!!

Not sure about this smile!

Just to warn you before you advance, there are some very interesting faces in this blog, turns out its very difficult to show off all your lips - so as usual I apologise!

So first off what I used (lets get the product-ey bit done first); A red lippy base, I used Top Shop Lipstick in Screen Siren, a very shiney lip gloss to add to the cartooness, I chose Primark red Lip gloss, a black eyeshadow - no surprises i used my sleek Au Natural palette and a thin, slanted brush, I used one from an eyebrow kit!

Lets get animated!

First of all, you need to create a lovely solid colour base, I used red but I have seen it done with bright pinks which also looks amazing and I'd love to see some other colours tried so tweet me if you try this!! 

So I applied lipstick as normal then blotted and put on a little Collection 2000 Translucent powder in light (Oopsy forgot to put this in the products section!) and then reapplied. I do this purely because I a) think it lasts a little longer and b) makes the colour deeper.

You next off want to apply that shiney lip gloss - here I suggest being very careful with how much you apply as I wasn't the first time and used a Iittle too much gloss. Overload of gloss = a BIG mess!

Very subtle difference - silly camera!

This is when the fun starts - using the black shadow you want to create the cartoon lines. I did this is several steps. Firstly line all the lips with a fairly thick black line, to create a cartoon-ey 3D look! 

Poutin 'el
And a side view, just so you can see how thick I went! Don't worry if the line is too thick as I had quite a few attempts to get it right.

Not the best picture, sorry guys!

I then put two thick lines on the inside of both lips, its important to start off with smaller lines and build up to what you want as again the first time I tried this I made a right mess!!

Very sorry for the interesting pouts today!

Finally draw five or six lines coming from those black lines in the centre this really completes the cartoonness!

Imagine the serious face I was pulling.. Oh dear!

So there you have it, lovely, fun, a little odd cartoon lips! I hope you enjoyed this weeks post I promise I’ll be good from now on!! If you have any request or would like to see me try a particular look please feel free to comment and if you do enjoy my post please do follow so that I can put a faces to my readers!

Thanks lovelies!

See you soon

Lynds xx

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